Saturday, March 28, 2009


*My life partner, known here as The Dude,
had a stroke March 14th at the age of 39*
Now that the shock and sadness and poor me why us has passed
this is what I come out with.
We really don't get anything in life we CAN'T handle.
We have no control over the infinite possibilities and probabilities of what could happen in every now moment.
But we DO have control over HOW WE RESPOND. So we can let it all go.
Our only job in life is to respond well.

There is a fundraiser at:

1 comment:

NighthawkNorth said...

Betsy and Andy, I am so sorry to hear of this. I will do a pipe for Andy if you give me permission. In any case I will keep you both in my prayers. I donated, wish it was more. If there is anything else I can do PLEASE let me know. Lots of love, complete and total recovery, health, and strength to you both, Cynthia